"Cattle that stand out in the ring,
                the pasture and on your plate"

About Us

Keynote Farms

Keynote Farms was established in 2015.

Jeremy & Kaitlyn and little farmer Olivia, Astrid & Odin are working hard to grow and cultivate our herd and acreage. We are ...

The Halvorsen's

Kaitlyn is a 5th generation farm and 3rd generation cow/calf producer. She works full-time as an RN while expanding the herd and its genetic diversity. She also manages breeding and records. During show season she offers clipping and fitting services as well.

Jeremy is a 1st generation farmer who works full-time as a diesel mechanic while keeping the farm running smoothly. Jeremy manages the equipment, fields/crops and water systems.

Keynote Farms is currently raising polled Hereford cattle that stand out in the ring, the pasture and on your plate-with hopes of expanding while cultivating seedstock with outcross genetics. Our genetics derive from Gold-Wing Ranch that Kaitlyn & her father ran and who Kaitlyn works with frequently. Other farms that have influenced the herds genetics are Sandy Ridge Farms, River Valley Polled Herefords, Rockbottom Farm and Charsha Farms. 


We aim to offer outcross Hereford genetics to increase vigour within your herd; purebred or commercial. 

We also offer freezer beef; selling hamburger by the pound and beef packages by the 1/4, side and whole. Call for a visit, or email us. Inquiries always welcome.